BiblioCraft v2.0.0 for Minecraft v1.8.9 has been released!

After months of work and developing an understanding of how Minecraft has changed, I am finally ready to release a version of BiblioCraft that supports Minecraft v1.8.9. This was by far the most difficult update I have done since I started developing this mod. Despite the challenge, I took the opportunity to rewrite most of the code in BiblioCraft and try to improve upon what I had created. Over the past year I have started attending college and working on my degree in Computer Science. Prior to that, I had no formal programming education or training. So now, with two semesters of formal training, I am have been able to extend my programming knowledge and apply that to create a better back-end for BiblioCraft. This will allow me to add features much easier and hopefully work through future updates with less hassle.

All in all I would venture to guess I rewrote about 80% of the code in BiblioCraft. Since so much of the mod was rewritten, this is why I have chosen to refer to the mod as version 2.0.0.  Most things I tried to keep basically the same, however I did make a few improvements along the way as I could. The armor stand is now made of wood and has a new recipe. The stand comes in all six vanilla wood styles, plus a framed version that works with the furniture paneler so it can be colored to look like any block.  The Bookcase, Shelf, Potion Shelf, Tool Rack, and Clock can now be adjusted to be in three different positions. The back of the block, which is default and standard behavior, the center of the block, or the front of the block. Use the screw gun or hand drill to adjust their position. The reading glasses also can display more information now. The text now renders in the GUI instead of on the blocks, which should make it easier to read as well. I also tried to make the Shelf and the Potion Shelf easier to to use from the backside.

I think it is important to note that worlds from 1.7.10 with BiblioCraft will not be compatible with this version of BiblioCraft, so don’t expect that to work.

As for other versions of Minecraft, I plan to start working on the update to Minecraft v1.9.4 next. I am hoping the 1.9.4 update isn’t too difficult. I’ll have to get into it a bit before I really know, but I am definitly sure it will be easier than the 1.8.9 update. After I get the version for 1.9.4 working, I’ll get a version for 1.10.x out. I expect the update from 1.9.4 to 1.10.x to be extremely easy. Unfortunately, I will be unable to release a version for Minecraft v1.8.0 due to limitations that weren’t addressed until Minecraft v1.8.9. So sorry to anyone who was hoping for a version for Minecraft v1.8.0.


Head on over to the downloads page and download the newest version either on the website or through curseforge. If you have any questions, comments, or issues, please feel free to create an issue on my github, post here on the website, or post on the official Minecraft forum. Some of you may have noticed I have responded to much stuff in awhile, mostly because I have wanted to put my time into working on the update. I do still try to read all the stuff even if I don’t respond. This being a rewrite and so much has changed on the back-end, I wouldn’t be surprised if I missed some bugs so I will be keeping an eye out for any issues people might have.

Enjoy! :)


Home Forums BiblioCraft v2.0.0 for Minecraft v1.8.9 has been released!

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